Send us your music

WUMC accepts songs, vinyl records, music posters, and other materials from artists and record labels. We love mail!

Our mix features largely alternative music, along with favorite country and Christian tracks. We’re putting a focus on independent and local artists!

Formats accepted

  • MP3
  • CD
  • Vinyl (33⅓ or 45 rpm)

  • Must include title, artist, and album metadata/info.
  • Please include song lyrics to help review.
  • Vinyl copies will be placed in our studio where student hosts are encouraged to browse and play. Digital/CD copies are more likely to make it to our automated playlist. You are welcome to send both.

Prohibited content

  • Profanity/discriminatory language
    • Clean versions must remove the entirety of the word
  • Sexually-suggestive
  • Promotes or positively presents illegal activity, or drug, tobacco or alcohol use
  • Blasphemes or insults Christianity

Context, frequency, tone, and intent may be used to evaluate some milder language.

Station staff will use their best judgment when evaluating content. In the event that there is disagreement on whether to accept a song, the faculty advisor will have the final call.

Where to send